My name is Ms. Brogan and I am fortunate enough to teach fabulous fourth graders at Belview Elementary School. This is a blog that I created in hopes of keeping loved ones in the loop with what we're learning and how much fun we're having!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Wall of Wonderful

Hello Friends!
Throughout my time spent in schools I've found that the older students get, the less you see their work displayed on the walls of their school. I have decided to change that this year with our fabulous fourth graders. They have been working very hard in all of our content areas and I hang up everything they do on the walls outside our classroom. The students love seeing their work displayed and it really gives us a sense of pride in what we do. Take a peek at our expanding wall below!

Sincerely and with best wishes,
Ms. Brogan & The Fabulous Fourth Graders

Science & Math :)

Writing & Math :)

Our banner that hangs in the hall!

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