My name is Ms. Brogan and I am fortunate enough to teach fabulous fourth graders at Belview Elementary School. This is a blog that I created in hopes of keeping loved ones in the loop with what we're learning and how much fun we're having!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Math Reflection Challenge!

Hello Friends!
In math we are learning about reflections and figures that are congruent. This means shapes that are the same size and same shape. I decided to see if the kids could challenge each other using our pattern blocks and they definitely blew me away with their interesting creations! They were asked to create a pattern with their blocks on one side of the paper and then find someone to reflect their image on the opposite side. Take a look at how much fun these fourth graders had with their imaginations and some determination! 

Alayna tried tricking me with this complicated reflection

Nathaniel made this great design shown above!

Ben and Tristian had quite the competition going :)

Alexis and Mrs. Milgrim working hard on their challenge!

Alex showing off his 3-D reflection challenge

Dalton had created a reflection masterpiece!

Ms. Furrow's group working hard on their reflections

Ms. Brogan's group working hard to stump each other

Braonain's 3-D flower challenge!

Nathaniel's tower of terror for the reflection challenge

Michaela and Lydia with their 3-d challenges for each other!

Anouk and her snowflake reflection :)

Ben's reflection challenge went off the page!

As you can see from the wild and crazy pictures, the fourth grade had a marvelous time playing with reflections and learning about congruent figures. Learning is definitely fun when we get to experiment and explore different concepts. Hope you enjoyed a peek inside fourth grade mathematics!

Sincerely and with best wishes,
Ms. Brogan & The Fabulous Fourth Graders

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